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We have spotted SLEEP (5 Letters) a total of 109 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with SLEEP and also when and where was it last seen:


imp. of Sleep. Slept.
To take rest by a suspension of the voluntary exercise of the powers of the body and mind, and an apathy of the organs of sense; to slumber.
To be careless, inattentive, or uncouncerned; not to be vigilant; to live thoughtlessly.
To be dead; to lie in the grave.
To be, or appear to be, in repose; to be quiet; to be unemployed, unused, or unagitated; to rest; to lie dormant; as, a question sleeps for the present; the law sleeps.
To be slumbering in; -- followed by a cognate object; as, to sleep a dreamless sleep.
To give sleep to; to furnish with accomodations for sleeping; to lodge.
A natural and healthy, but temporary and periodical, suspension of the functions of the organs of sense, as well as of those of the voluntary and rational soul; that state of the animal in which there is a lessened acuteness of sensory perception, a confusion of ideas, and a loss of mental control, followed by a more or less unconscious state.

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