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We have spotted SLICE (5 Letters) a total of 38 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with SLICE and also when and where was it last seen:


A thin, broad piece cut off; as, a slice of bacon; a slice of cheese; a slice of bread.
That which is thin and broad, like a slice.
A broad, thin piece of plaster.
A salver, platter, or tray.
A knife with a thin, broad blade for taking up or serving fish; also, a spatula for spreading anything, as paint or ink.
A plate of iron with a handle, forming a kind of chisel, or a spadelike implement, variously proportioned, and used for various purposes, as for stripping the planking from a vessel's side, for cutting blubber from a whale, or for stirring a fire of coals; a slice bar; a peel; a fire shovel.
One of the wedges by which the cradle and the ship are lifted clear of the building blocks to prepare for launching.
A removable sliding bottom to galley.
To cut into thin pieces, or to cut off a thin, broad piece from.
To cut into parts; to divide.
To clear by means of a slice bar, as a fire or the grate bars of a furnace.

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