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We have spotted SNARL (5 Letters) a total of 38 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with SNARL and also when and where was it last seen:


To form raised work upon the outer surface of (thin metal ware) by the repercussion of a snarling iron upon the inner surface.
To entangle; to complicate; to involve in knots; as, to snarl a skein of thread.
To embarrass; to insnare.
A knot or complication of hair, thread, or the like, difficult to disentangle; entanglement; hence, intricate complication; embarrassing difficulty.
To growl, as an angry or surly dog; to gnarl; to utter grumbling sounds.
To speak crossly; to talk in rude, surly terms.
The act of snarling; a growl; a surly or peevish expression; an angry contention.

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