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We have spotted SOBER (5 Letters) a total of 48 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with SOBER and also when and where was it last seen:


Temperate in the use of spirituous liquors; habitually temperate; as, a sober man.
Not intoxicated or excited by spirituous liquors; as, the sot may at times be sober.
Not mad or insane; not wild, visionary, or heated with passion; exercising cool, dispassionate reason; self-controlled; self-possessed.
Not proceeding from, or attended with, passion; calm; as, sober judgment; a man in his sober senses.
Serious or subdued in demeanor, habit, appearance, or color; solemn; grave; sedate.
To make sober.
To become sober; -- often with down.

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