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We have spotted SPEAK (5 Letters) a total of 49 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with SPEAK and also when and where was it last seen:


To utter words or articulate sounds, as human beings; to express thoughts by words; as, the organs may be so obstructed that a man may not be able to speak.
To express opinions; to say; to talk; to converse.
To utter a speech, discourse, or harangue; to adress a public assembly formally.
To discourse; to make mention; to tell.
To give sound; to sound.
To convey sentiments, ideas, or intelligence as if by utterance; as, features that speak of self-will.
To utter with the mouth; to pronounce; to utter articulately, as human beings.
To utter in a word or words; to say; to tell; to declare orally; as, to speak the truth; to speak sense.
To declare; to proclaim; to publish; to make known; to exhibit; to express in any way.
To talk or converse in; to utter or pronounce, as in conversation; as, to speak Latin.
To address; to accost; to speak to.

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