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We have spotted STEEP (5 Letters) a total of 75 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with STEEP and also when and where was it last seen:


Bright; glittering; fiery.
To soak in a liquid; to macerate; to extract the essence of by soaking; as, to soften seed by steeping it in water. Often used figuratively.
To undergo the process of soaking in a liquid; as, the tea is steeping.
Something steeped, or used in steeping; a fertilizing liquid to hasten the germination of seeds.
A rennet bag.
Making a large angle with the plane of the horizon; ascending or descending rapidly with respect to a horizontal line or a level; precipitous; as, a steep hill or mountain; a steep roof; a steep ascent; a steep declivity; a steep barometric gradient.
Difficult of access; not easy reached; lofty; elevated; high.
Excessive; as, a steep price.
A precipitous place, hill, mountain, rock, or ascent; any elevated object sloping with a large angle to the plane of the horizon; a precipice.

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