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We have spotted STRESS (6 Letters) a total of 47 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with STRESS and also when and where was it last seen:


Pressure, strain; -- used chiefly of immaterial things; except in mechanics; hence, urgency; importance; weight; significance.
The force, or combination of forces, which produces a strain; force exerted in any direction or manner between contiguous bodies, or parts of bodies, and taking specific names according to its direction, or mode of action, as thrust or pressure, pull or tension, shear or tangential stress.
Force of utterance expended upon words or syllables. Stress is in English the chief element in accent and is one of the most important in emphasis. See Guide to pronunciation, // 31-35.
Distress; the act of distraining; also, the thing distrained.
To press; to urge; to distress; to put to difficulties.
To subject to stress, pressure, or strain.

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