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We have spotted THAW (4 Letters) a total of 74 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with THAW and also when and where was it last seen:


To melt, dissolve, or become fluid; to soften; -- said of that which is frozen; as, the ice thaws.
To become so warm as to melt ice and snow; -- said in reference to the weather, and used impersonally.
Fig.: To grow gentle or genial.
To cause (frozen things, as earth, snow, ice) to melt, soften, or dissolve.
The melting of ice, snow, or other congealed matter; the resolution of ice, or the like, into the state of a fluid; liquefaction by heat of anything congealed by frost; also, a warmth of weather sufficient to melt that which is congealed.

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