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We have spotted TRICK (5 Letters) a total of 28 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with TRICK and also when and where was it last seen:


An artifice or stratagem; a cunning contrivance; a sly procedure, usually with a dishonest intent; as, a trick in trade.
A sly, dexterous, or ingenious procedure fitted to puzzle or amuse; as, a bear's tricks; a juggler's tricks.
Mischievous or annoying behavior; a prank; as, the tricks of boys.
A particular habit or manner; a peculiarity; a trait; as, a trick of drumming with the fingers; a trick of frowning.
A knot, braid, or plait of hair.
The whole number of cards played in one round, and consisting of as many cards as there are players.
A turn; specifically, the spell of a sailor at the helm, -- usually two hours.
A toy; a trifle; a plaything.
To deceive by cunning or artifice; to impose on; to defraud; to cheat; as, to trick another in the sale of a horse.
To dress; to decorate; to set off; to adorn fantastically; -- often followed by up, off, or out.
To draw in outline, as with a pen; to delineate or distinguish without color, as arms, etc., in heraldry.

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