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We have spotted VAULT (5 Letters) a total of 14 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with VAULT and also when and where was it last seen:


An arched structure of masonry, forming a ceiling or canopy.
An arched apartment; especially, a subterranean room, use for storing articles, for a prison, for interment, or the like; a cell; a cellar.
The canopy of heaven; the sky.
A leap or bound.
The bound or leap of a horse; a curvet.
A leap by aid of the hands, or of a pole, springboard, or the like.
To form with a vault, or to cover with a vault; to give the shape of an arch to; to arch; as, vault a roof; to vault a passage to a court.
To leap over; esp., to leap over by aid of the hands or a pole; as, to vault a fence.
To leap; to bound; to jump; to spring.
To exhibit feats of tumbling or leaping; to tumble.

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