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We have spotted WEAVE (5 Letters) a total of 20 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with WEAVE and also when and where was it last seen:


To unite, as threads of any kind, in such a manner as to form a texture; to entwine or interlace into a fabric; as, to weave wool, silk, etc.; hence, to unite by close connection or intermixture; to unite intimately.
To form, as cloth, by interlacing threads; to compose, as a texture of any kind, by putting together textile materials; as, to weave broadcloth; to weave a carpet; hence, to form into a fabric; to compose; to fabricate; as, to weave the plot of a story.
To practice weaving; to work with a loom.
To become woven or interwoven.
A particular method or pattern of weaving; as, the cassimere weave.

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