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We have spotted WEEP (4 Letters) a total of 76 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with WEEP and also when and where was it last seen:


The lapwing; the wipe; -- so called from its cry.
imp. of Weep, for wept.
Formerly, to express sorrow, grief, or anguish, by outcry, or by other manifest signs; in modern use, to show grief or other passions by shedding tears; to shed tears; to cry.
To lament; to complain.
To flow in drops; to run in drops.
To drop water, or the like; to drip; to be soaked.
To hang the branches, as if in sorrow; to be pendent; to droop; -- said of a plant or its branches.
To lament; to bewail; to bemoan.
To shed, or pour forth, as tears; to shed drop by drop, as if tears; as, to weep tears of joy.

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