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Outer garment with no sleeves

We have found the following answers matching the query 'Outer garment with no sleeves' in our database: For more stats and recent usage scroll down and continue reading. Outer garment with no sleeves crossword clue was last seen on February 15 2025 in the popular Universal Crossword.

99%VESTOuter garment with no sleevesUniversal


An article of clothing covering the person; an outer garment; a vestment; a dress; a vesture; a robe.
Any outer covering; array; garb.
Specifically, a waistcoat, or sleeveless body garment, for men, worn under the coat.
To clothe with, or as with, a vestment, or garment; to dress; to robe; to cover, surround, or encompass closely.
To clothe with authority, power, or the like; to put in possession; to invest; to furnish; to endow; -- followed by with before the thing conferred; as, to vest a court with power to try cases of life and death.
To place or give into the possession or discretion of some person or authority; to commit to another; -- with in before the possessor; as, the power of life and death is vested in the king, or in the courts.
To invest; to put; as, to vest money in goods, land, or houses.
To clothe with possession; as, to vest a person with an estate; also, to give a person an immediate fixed right of present or future enjoyment of; as, an estate is vested in possession.
To come or descend; to be fixed; to take effect, as a title or right; -- followed by in; as, upon the death of the ancestor, the estate, or the right to the estate, vests in the heir at law.

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