- Universal Crossword
- November 26 2022
- Ringo Starr's title
Ringo Starr's title
We have found the following answers matching the query 'Ringo Starr's title' in our database: For more stats and recent usage scroll down and continue reading. Ringo Starr's title crossword clue was last seen on November 26 2022 in the popular Universal Crossword.
Rank | Answer | Clue | Publisher | 99% | SIR | Ringo Starr's title | Universal |
• | A man of social authority and dignity; a lord; a master; a gentleman; -- in this sense usually spelled sire. |
• | A title prefixed to the Christian name of a knight or a baronet. |
• | An English rendering of the LAtin Dominus, the academical title of a bachelor of arts; -- formerly colloquially, and sometimes contemptuously, applied to the clergy. |
• | A respectful title, used in addressing a man, without being prefixed to his name; -- used especially in speaking to elders or superiors; sometimes, also, used in the way of emphatic formality. |
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